Species ID

Wrasse, Goldsinny

The goldsinny has a fairly slender body with an angled head with a comparatively large mouth. The anal fin has 3 to 4 rays with spines at the anterior and 7 to 8 softer ones to the posterior.

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Wrasse, Corkwing

A deep bodied fully scaled wrasse, the corkwing has 3 spines at the front of its anal fin and 8 to 10 softer ones to the rear. The rear edge of the gill cover is sharp and serrated.

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Weever, Greater

Trachinus draco Distinguishing features The greater weever has a fairly slender body and the smaller ones are not dissimilar to a whiting. It has a smallish head with a comparatively…

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Sandeel, Greater

As its name suggests the greater sandeel has an elongated eel shaped body and is the largest of the European sandeels. Unlike other sandeels the upper jaw is not protrusible and it has a couple of teeth on the roof of the mouth.

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Red Mullet

The red mullet is a slim, narrow bodied fish with an angled front to the head. The large scales are easily dislodged and there are two long barbels below its chin.

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John Dory

The John dory has a narrow rounded body with a large protrusible mouth. The first dorsal fin is large with 9 to 10 spines and there is another spiny fin on the lower edge.

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The hake has a long body shape, not unlike the pollack, with a large head and a mouth filled with long sharp teeth. The second dorsal fin and the anal fin are long and take up approximately half of the body length.

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Gurnard, Tub

The tub gurnard is the largest of the European gurnards. It has the classic sloping, bony head with sharp edges to the gill covers and feeler like pectoral extensions.

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