Yaktrax Pro Footwear Grips Reviewed

by David Proudfoot

Yaktrax ice grips, while designed for snow and ice, provide a sure footed grip for the rock angler.

Yaktrax Pro fitted to boot

Yaktrax Pro fitted to boot

The shore angler on rocky marks is liable to encounter seaweed and the dreaded black algae, both of which leave even the most sure footed slipping and sliding about on the wet surfaces. There are studded boot options available but these require separate footwear and are not always effective on wet algae. Yaktrax grips appear to provide a simple, easily fitted solution to the slippery problem.

YakTrax Ice Grips

Having tried various different clip on devices two years ago I settled on Yaktrax as my go to adaptions when fishing or crossing wet rocks.

Black algae and weed, the rock anglers underfoot nighmare

Black algae and weed, the rock anglers underfoot nighmare

These rubber and metal coil grips are marketed for use in ice and snow but I have found that they provide solid, sure footed grip on wet and weedy rocks.

Yaktrax Pro constructed from rubber and wire coils

Yaktrax Pro constructed from rubber and wire coils

The combination of the two materials even provide adhesion on algae covered surfaces, including wet, black algae which normally leaves the angler with less control of their feet than an ice skater.

The wire coils will cut into sea weed while the rubber provides friction resistance on the slick algae.

Two Versions Available

The Yaktrax are available in two versions, the Yaktrax Walk and the Pro. The main difference is that the Pro variety has a Velcro cross strap to fix over the middle of the shoe or boot.

Yaktrax Pro velcro strap

Yaktrax Pro velcro strap

The grips must only be fitted in one way, the smaller toe section is clearly marked on the inner surface as is the larger heel section.

Toe grip on the Yaktrax Pro

Toe grip on the Yaktrax Pro

There is also a raised button of rubber in the middle of the sole section to indicate that the device has been correctly fitted.

Yaktrax Pro fitted to show raise button outwards

Yaktrax Pro fitted to show raise button outwards

The grips are easy enough to fit while the boot is on the foot but they can also be fitted prior to donning the footwear.


The manufacturers website makes it clear that the grips are susceptible to damage if used on surfaces other than ice and hard pack snow. However, have regularly utilised the grips over the past two years and apart from some scraping on the wire coils there is no indication of wear and tear.

Yaktrax Pro heel grip

Yaktrax Pro heel grip

I am not the smallest person and even my weight on the sole and heels of my boots have not warped or distorted the coils.

These grips should not be used indoors as they will either damage the floor surfaces

Outer side of the grip

Outer side of the grip

The grips are priced at a reasonable level so can be replaced if they become ineffective, at not more cost that hiking boot studs.


Both versions of the grip are available from various online retailers. At present SportsDirect have the Pro and Yaktrax Walk variants on sale for £7.50 and £5.00 respectively, with postage of £4.99 on top.

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