Not every branch of sea angling involves flashy lures or plastic imitations, frequently only live, natural bait will do the job.
To get the best quality lug or rag worm involves slogging it out on the beaches shifting dollops of gloopy mud or wet, heavy sand.
There is nothing worse than hours of back breaking work with a poor digging implement and that is where the Fiskars Power Digging fork comes in to play. This ergonomically designed, flat tined fork is idea for the bait digger who wishes to minimise effort in the search for quality worms without spending a fortune.
The overall height of the fork is 109cm and with its four forged, flat tines weighs in at a comfortable 2 kilograms. The tines themselves measure a shade under 30cm in length and ensure that a deep spit of sand or mud can be removed with each dig. The shaft at the head sits at an angle of 40o rather than the more normal straight through fitting and this does make lifting easier.
The metal shaft is ovoid in shape and extremely comfortable on the hands. The shaft is finished with shrink-wrap plastic coating that tends to throw off loose sand, leading to less friction on the skin if digging without gloves. The handle at the top is offset from the shaft and again this helps ensure a comfortable dig.
As I am 6′ 2″, I would have preferred an extra 100 – 150cm in shaft length but at a price of £30 in B&Q I struggle to find much more to fault with this bait-digging tool. As I do not have a B&Q near to me, I purchased mine online from Tooled-Up for £36.90 including postage.
Like all metal-shafted forks, this one needs to be washed down in fresh water and dried after use to ensure that corrosion does not shorten its life.
2 comments really need to know how bad these are.. your previous forks were magnificent..i never broke 1 ever..these things the metal on the fork head breaks in the handle..they don’t last me even 3 months…and you give life time guarantee so you send me another..but i don’t want that because you mess my day up with breaking the fork..the old ones i wore down 3 or 4 inches before retiring them as too short..why did you change???? Ill pay £100 a fork for the old ones
Have to agree that quality is not what it used to be.