This year, in conjunction with Pure Fishing, among the many competitions run by Gethyn Owen was the chance for anglers to win a Greys GR100S 20lb boat rod and Abu Ambassadeur 7000C LW multiplier reel combo. To win …
The spurdog is the only common small shark found in the North Sea and eastern North Atlantic which has a spine in front of the two dorsal fins and lacks …
Surdogs, or spurs for short, are not difficult to accurately identify. The upper body is dark grey, usually with a dash of white spots, while the belly area is white.
Shore angler Shaun Cumming boldly goes where few have gone before, travelling to a weird ash-bed beach on the extreme southern edge of Iceland. There’s no shortage of fish, but …
Shaun Cumming joined the Scottish Sea Angling Conservation Network’s Tagathon bash at Loch Sunart where efforts to preserve dwindling spurdog stocks are a work in progress. Consider spurdog as an …