Plenty of plaice, dog fish, codling, rays and flounders are being caught up and down the Fylde coast over both low water and high water. We have had a couple of days in between where there hasn’t been really anything caught at all but we are definitely on the right side now for this season. There is a very big variety of species about at the moment as the winter fish haven’t left just yet and some of the summer species have arrived leaving it pot luck on what you can actually catch which is exciting as a sea angler.
Over the next few weeks when we start to see the first peel of crab we should see an abundance of smoothhounds. These are normally the smaller ones but can reach around the six pound mark.
As we head in to May and even June the much bigger ones will arrive along with the tope pups. These bigger hounds have been caught off the Gynn Wall to 18lb so now the warmer weather is on its way it’s getting really exciting to see what the fishing throws up as it gets better each year.
Patrick Skiba enjoyed a session on the Wall using Bispham Angling black worm and found codling among other fish.

Patrick Skiba with a Gynn Wall codling
Fleetwood and District Angling Club fished a flat and round fish match last Sunday at the Miner’s Home where is was more Grimm Wall than Gynn.
Only half the twenty anglers fishing caught a fish and no one had a flatfish and round fish. Plaice seemed to be the most common catch followed by flounder. Only one round fish was caught, a tiny whiting.
The prizes were paid out for the longest flatfish. No single bait stood out with fish caught on crab, black lug, ragworm, mackerel and shellfish.
1st Mark Taylor flounder 18 points
2nd Hughie Porter plaice 13 points
3rd = Alan Smith plaice 12 points
3rd = Mark Broadhurst plaice 12 points
5th = Ken Forrest flounder 11 points
5th = Phil Lamb plaice 11 points
7th = Craig Thompson flounder 10 points
7th = Tim Wrigley plaice 10 points
9th David Hoyle flounder 7 points
10th Dave Wilson whiting 4 points
11th Trevor Barnett plaice 4 points.
Next week’s match is on Saturday at Stanah with fishing from 4.30 to 7.30pm.
Leyland and District Sea Angling Club fished their latest match at Mostyn.
1st Peter Pilkington 255cm with 10 fish, consisting of 9 whiting and the joint longest plaice 35cm
2nd Roger Leeland 238cm with 10 fish, whiting and codling
3rd Phil Harvey 224cm with 7 plaice
4th Paul Pilkington 130cm
5th Nigel Thompson 115cm
The joint winner of the longest fish was Martin Darwin who also caught a 35cm Plaice. The raffle winner was Phil Harvey. Another great day out, and the warmest day for a match we’ve had this year.