Poor weather conditions and lack of fish made it a struggle for competitors in the latest Skegness Pier Angling Club (SPAC) match, held at Trunch Lane. Longer casters fared best, with Grimsby ace Garry Hutson winning his second match of the year, catching six whiting and three flatties measuring 230cm in total under the catch and release format. He also won the longest flatfish prize with his best flattie, a 33cm (1lb) flounder. Stafford’s Dave Shorthouse came in second with four whiting and a specimen lesser spotted dogfish for a 172cm total. He made the long journey to fish worthwhile, by also taking the longest round fish prize with his 64cm (2lb 3¼oz) dogfish. Dave Burr framed again in third place, catching five whiting for 139cm.
With spring species already turning up early and winter species still hanging on, things look really good for the next SPAC match, which will be held next Saturday 26th Mar from 5:30 till 9:30pm at North Shore Road, with Club members fishing for the Stan Marvin Cup. There is also an open section, which non-members are welcome to participate in. For further information, please contact SPAC Secretary Chas Tibble on 07984 967988 or chastibble@hotmail.com