Monday saw twenty odd anglers turn up at The Woods to fish Tony Caton Memorial Match, including members of Tony’s family. The fishing had been hit and miss but Garry Hutson managed to find a nice cod of 7lb 2oz on his last cast to win the match. Second place went to George Smith with 2lb 13oz and third in was Mablethorpe angler Kev Bebbington who weighed in 1lb 13oz. The heaviest round fish was Garry’s and the biggest flatfish was a 37cm flounder caught by Steve McGregor.
A total of £95 was raised for the RNLI and Operation manager for Cleethorpes RNLI Jack Barlow was at the match to receive the donation.
The last Skegness Pier Angling Club (S.P.A.C) match of the year was a charity event in aid of the “Help For Heroes” appeal fund in aid of our injured servicemen. The match was a biggest fish rover; fished anywhere between Mablethorpe and Gibraltar Point. Unfortunately the expected cod did not show, resulting in a very close finish for the minor places. However, the runaway winner was top Gainsborough match angler Simon Drayton, who finished off a good year for him in style with a last cast specimen 1lb 6½oz whiting. Skegness local Dave Bradley continued his recent run of good form by taking second place with a nice 13½oz dab, followed closely by Grimsby based England International angler George Smith, who despite catching more than 20 dabs, couldn’t manage one bigger than 12½oz. In fourth place was Kettering’s Dave Shorthouse with an 11¼oz whiting and the final prize winner was Wrangle based Paul Cridland, whose 10¾oz dab was just good enough to hold onto fifth place from a large number of slightly smaller dabs landed in the match.
The prize presentation was hosted by The Arches Pub, Trunch Lane, where the owner Will Watson put on a superb free buffet for all participants and was master of ceremonies for the Grand Raffle, with more than sixty prizes on offer. The match raised a magnificent £1263.32 for the appeal fund and S.P.A.C would like to thank everyone that helped out and/or donated prizes for the event, especially Lakeside Leisure, Trunch Lane who allowed full use of their facilities for the match registration and weigh-in.
The first S.P.A.C match of 2010 will be held on Saturday 16 January from 5 till 9pm at Trunch Lane, with Club Members fishing for the Rowley Cup. There is also an open section, which non-members are welcome to participate in. For further information contact SPAC Secretary Chas Tibble on 07984 967988 or
On Monday there was also an HCA boat match when anglers enjoyed fantastic weather for the duration of the event, with warmer temperatures and no wind. All the competitors struggled to find a cod, although there were plenty of whiting about. John Pyle managed to find two cod and this gave him first and second place, neither of them matched Garry’s shore caught fish. Hard luck story of the day must go to John Major who lost a decent cod to a hungry seal.