Slow Retrieve Rig
The gilling rig can also be used with natural baits such as ragworm, sandeel or mackerel strip
Gilling Rig Components
Main Body
1 x Trace Swivel
1 x Boom; French boom or tubing boom
Approx. 1 metre length 40-50lb BS main line
1 x 2 to 6 metre length 10 – 30lb BS snood; fluorocarbon or clear nylon
1 x Snood Swivel 1 x 1/0 to 5/0 hook
The Rig Body
- Tie on the swivel to the trace length and either tie onto the top of the French boom or thread on the tubing boom. If using the tubing boom a bead and link should be attached at this point to the line at the longer end of the boom.
- Cut the snood length in two at the mid-point and join together with the snood swivel. A two-down rig can be produced by replacing this swivel with a three way swivel.
- Tie the snood to the long end of the boom.
- Tie the hook to the other end of the snood and thread on the worm, or attach redgill or shad.
- Attach a rotten bottom length to the bottom of the french boom or the tubing boom link to carry the lead.
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There are numerous sources of terminal tackle both locally and on-line, here are a few suggestions –
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