The Lancashire day time fishing has been slow with high temperatures and lack of any wind hitting the shore fishing. On the bright side the calm conditions have aided the boat anglers with good sport for bass, smoothhounds and tope. When the sea temperature gets over warm the fish stay further out in deeper water where there is more oxygen, weather is looking much better this week and with small tides, so would expect there to be a few fish around this week.
Fleetwood and District Angling Club fished in very hot weather, and calm seas it was foreseeable that the fishing at the Miners’ Home would be terrible.
Twenty anglers fished the match and the decision to make was do I fish big, and hope for a lucky smoothhound, dogfish or thornback or fish small hooks and go for weevers which is probably the only species feeding in this weather.
Just over half the anglers caught fish. The only fish caught apart from weevers was a two point plaice for Jim Gross.

9lb 12oz bass for Wyre boat club member Pete Smith
The good point of the day was it was the air show, so instead of watching motionless rods we were treated to an acrobatic display by a typhoon then watched the battle of Britain memorial flight, always good to see a Lancaster bomber with its attendant spitfire and hurricane.
One angler who opted for the small hooks and go for weevers was match winner Ken Forrest, luckily this worked today but one good flounder or doggy and it would all have been different.
1st Ken Forrest 6 weever for 12 points
2nd Jay Cityzen 4 weever for 8 points
3rd = Jim Gross 1 plaice 2 weever and Ian Hewitt 3 weever for 6 points
4th = David Bayliss Phil Lamb John Foster Alex Garden 2 weever 4 points
5th = John Hughes John Hodgson Dave Norton Trevor Barnett 1 weever 2 points.
Next Sunday’s match is high water at the Ferry beach with fishing from 6pm to 9 pm should be a few smoothhounds and hopefully no weevers.
Leyland and District Sea Angling Club were out at Bootle Sands, Cumbria.
1st Stuart Pilkington with a 34cm flounder winning the biggest fish and the biggest bag
2nd Michael Darlington with a 29cm flounder
3rd Peter Pilkington with a 28cm flounder
Joint 4th place goes to Martin Darwin with a plaice & Alan Smith with a flounder both scoring 5 match points.
The winner of today’s golden peg card was Fred Howard.
Thanks again to the 10 members who supported the match in such difficult sunny conditions.