Skegness Pier club fished their latest match at Sandilands pumping station on Saturday 13th July. The match was fished on the back of a recent spell of rough weather with a large swell rolling in from the North and for July the temperature was very cold. The fishing was difficult due to weed at the start of the match, but it became easier to hold out as the beach filled in towards high tide. The fishing didn’t improve however, and it was a very slow match with only one or two fish caught possibly due to the small tide, rough conditions and dirty water from clouds of residue from the May rot along the shoreline.

Match winner Tracy Cooper with a school bass and nice sole double shot
The lack of smoothhounds did create an opportunity for the match to be won with other species such as bass, flounders and eels with close in ‘scratching’ tactics. Tracy Cooper took full advantage of this by fishing well-presented baits including maddies, fresh yellowtails and king rag just behind the surf and out to around 70 yards to win the match with a catch of a sole and bass double shot followed by a flounder, with the sole at 32cm giving her longest flatfish prize. Tracy by fishing to her strengths and using her growing confidence in this style of close range fishing is now framing or winning matches regularly as her match fishing skills develop.

Tony Dunk came second in the match with a flounder and this bass caught on fresh lug he dug in the day before
In second place with two fish was Tony Dunk who fishing around about 70 yards using freshly dug yellowtails and caught a flounder and a bass of 36cm on the last cast also winning the longest round fish prize.

Adie Cooper with a schoolie he only had two bites in the match
Just out of the money today with another bass of 28cm was Adie Cooper with Chris Allsopp and Russ Parsons managing a single flatfish each. Three remaining anglers blanked on a super hard day.

Chris Allsopp with a flounder in fourth place
Many thanks to those travelling to fish with us, to Ade for pegging out the beach and to Russ for running today’s match. The next one is on Sunday 28th July at Drake Road and we look forward to seeing you there.