It was déjà vu in the latest Skegness Pier Angling Club (SPAC) match held at North Shore Road, with only five fish caught in total for the second match on the trot. After a week of un-seasonably warm weather, competitors were met with a biting northeasterly wind and rough seas, which adversely affected catches. Croxton’s Dave Burr needed just a single 1lb 1oz flounder to run out easy winner and also to take the heaviest flatfish prize. Wrangle’s Alan Steadman was the only angler to catch two fish, taking second place with a dab and a whiting for a measly 8oz. He also won the heaviest round fish prize with the 4½oz whiting. Skegness local Barry Roper came in third with a 5oz flounder and fourth place went to a tiny 2½oz whiting, caught by Corby’s Paul Marshall.
Hopefully catches will improve for the next SPAC match, which will be held on Saturday 21st Apr from 4:30 till 8:30pm at Jacksons Corner, with Club members fishing for the Derby Miners Cup. There is also an open section, which non-members are welcome to participate in. For further information please contact SPAC Secretary Chas Tibble on 07984 967988 or