Despite a change of partner, Woburn’s Dave Shorthouse made it a hat-trick of wins in the annual Skegness Pier Angling Club (S.P.A.C) Lincolnshire Pairs match, held at Trunch Lane. Dave teamed up with top Grimsby angler Karl Nangle to win the event, each with a Zone second place for 4 points and a combined weight of 8lb 4½oz. Included in Karl’s catch was a specimen 3lb 3oz bass, which was the easy winner of the heaviest round fish award and is now front runner for the June SPAC Fish of the Month award. Skegness local Roy Parker returned to the SPAC match scene in style, winning Zone A with 4lb 9oz and teaming up with Boston’s Mo Fendyke to take second place in the pairs, with 6 points. There was a tie for third place, with 3 pairs ending up on 8 points. Skegness locals Dave Bradley and Zone B winner Chas Tibble came out top on count-back, with a combined weight of 6lb 10½oz. Another Skegness local Wayne Sumner won the heaviest flatfish prize with a decent 1lb 2oz flounder.
The next SPAC match will be held on Sunday 26th Jun from 12:30 till 4:30pm at Wolla Bank, with Club members fishing for the Dodsworth Cup. There is also an open section, which non-members are welcome to participate in. For further information please contact SPAC Secretary Chas Tibble on 07984 967988 or