Fylde Coast Sea Angling Hots Up

by Jordan Russell

The Lancashire fishing is really hotting up now just like the weather. The Gynn Wall is producing a good mixed bag of fish including loads of school bass, sole, turbot, hounds, dabs, small gurnard and the odd ray. Best baits at the moment are crab, black lugworm and ragworm with the crab picking the better fish out.

David Wilson with a double shot of bass from the Gynn Wall

David Wilson with a double shot of bass from the Gynn Wall

Fleetwood and District Sea Angling Club fished their latest match on the Gynn Wall in perfect weather. Not many blanks today with lots of school bass about. Craig Thompson had the largest at 41 cm. There were also a few plaice, gurnards and four turbot, no dogfish or thornback caught. We were expecting some sole to come out today, but none showed. A wide variety of baits all produced fish.


lancashire latest news logo1st Craig Thompson – 2 bass 49 points

2nd Barry Critchley – 2 bass 2 flounder 32 points

3rd Roy Slinger – 1 each bass flounder plaice dab for 29 points

4th Alf Ingham – 2 bass 23 points

5th John Hughes – 1 bass 1 plaice 20 points

6th John Hodgson – 1 bass 16 points

7th = Bob Egan – 1 flounder 1 gurnard 14 points

7th = Kevin Blundell – 1 bass 14 points

9th Dave Wilson flounder – 1 plaice and 1 turbot 13 points

10th = Mark Hindle – 1 bass 11 points

10th = Ken Forrest – 1 plaice 1 gurnard 11 points

12th = Ray Rodger – 1 plaice 1 gurnard 10 points

12th = Bob Marsh 1 turbot 10 points

14th Peter Lambert – 1 turbot 8 points

15th Mike Owen – 1 plaice 4 points

16th Phil Lamb – 1 flounder 3 points

The Club would like to welcome back Alex Garden to the club hope he enjoys fishing with us.

Wyre Boat Angling Club member Joe Green had a trip out with Kevin Fletcher and Laura Siobhan Milton last Tuesday night for a few hours. The sea conditions after launching were interesting at first to say the least so they stayed close in to see what the wind was going to do. Fishing was not too bad at all with hound pups, tope, dabs, whiting and Laura was the only one of the night to get a mackerel.

Laura with a smoothhound

Laura with a smoothhound

As forecast the sea fell off and the crew shifted to one of Joe’s favourite marks off 5-Bar Gate. That’s where the fun kicked in, it was non-stop fish after fish. Loads of whiting and dabs to keep us busy with dogs and hounds in between. Kev also had two pouting which Joe needed for the specimen hunt. To rub salt into the wound one was on Joe’s rod.

Lancashire Sea Fishing group member Dave Brown was out again this week. Dave had five hounds to 6½lb before the dogs were let out at low water. The dogs loved Dave’s fresh crab with two jumping on a single hook at one point, he finished the session with another smoothhound.

Blackpool Boat Angling Club member Ben Forshaw and his Dad enjoyed a great weekend’s fishing. His dad and Gaz went out Saturday, heading north to the Scar where they picked up a couple of bass. They then headed in and pumped some bait before heading across the bay to fish the banks for bass. They ended up with eight bass to 5lb 7oz.

On Sunday the father and son duo headed out early steaming south. They fished the last of the ebb on a couple of marks where they had a cod. A move at low water into the river saw them anchored up in one foot of water. Ten minutes after the flood started Dad had a slamming bite, which almost pulled the rod out of the boat, which resulted in a nice 6lb bass. Not long after all four rods were going crazy with bite after bite and bass after bass.

They fished three different banks and ended up with 21 bass with best being 6lb, 5½lb and 3lb. They missed loads of bites using larger hooks and also had a smoothie, two nice plaice, flounder and whiting.

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