Whiting Hit North Shore Road

by Chas Tibble

Despite a strong northerly wind and rough seas, Skegness Pier Angling Club (SPAC) Match 22 fished well at North Shore Road, with everyone catching fish. Long distance casting was an advantage and Grimsby ace Adie Cooper made the most of his prodigious long casts, to run out easy winner of his third SPAC match on the trot. Using lugworm wraps tipped with squid or mackerel, Adie had a number of triple shots of whiting and dabs, winning the Shipstone Cup with 24 fish measuring 703cm.

Match winner Adie Cooper with one of his triple shots

Match winner Adie Cooper with one of his triple shots

Some way behind in second place came Wrangle’s Alan Steadman, taking second place for the third match on the trot with 15 fish for 440cm.

skagness pier angling club logoMatch organiser Chas Tibble dusted the cobwebs off his beach gear, but struggled to get anywhere near Adie’s distance, eventually taking third place with 11 fish for 295cm. Full result as follows:

  1. Adie Cooper – 703cm – 21 whiting, 3 dabs
  2. Alan Steadman – 440cm – 14 whiting, 1 flounder
  3. Chas Tibble – 295cm – 8 whiting, 3 dabs
  4. Dylan Morgan – 279cm – 8 whiting, 1 dab
  5. Kev Bebbington – 123cm – 4 whiting
  6. Shaun Creasey – 117cm – 3 whiting, 1 dab
  7. Bob Foster – 96cm – 3 whiting
  8. Russ Taylor – 57cm – 1 whiting, 1 flounder
Third placed Chas Tibble with a whiting and dab double

Third placed Chas Tibble with a whiting and dab double

  • Longest Round – Dylan Morgan – 38cm whiting
  • Longest Flat – Russ Taylor – 29cm flounder

The next SPAC match will be the annual Biggest Fish Rover and will be held next Saturday 18th November from 2 till 8pm. Match HQ is Lakeside Leisure, Trunch Lane and the match is open to all.

For further information please contact SPAC Secretary Chas Tibble on 07984 967988 or chastibble@hotmail.com

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