In the long and distant past in a mystical land called North Norfolk there was talk of catching unicorns or cod over the winter. Many quests were made but all ended in failure, it was either too hot or too cold, windy, weedy, wrong food available, wrong day. Sir Spalton signalled, after checking his magical seaweed, that conditions were a “bit of swell but looking good” and with that the quest was on for the mystical creatures of the deep.
Heeding Sir Spalton’s proclamation 14 NAC knights gathered in the “lists” (also known as Weybourne car park) to challenge the conditions and catch a unicorn, or cod. We welcomed Sir AJ to the fold, and welcomed back Sir Barry and Sir Glen back from their winter pilgrimages to places unknown.
Spirits were high, confidence was high, tonight was going to be the night that would be talked about around the Norfolk campfires, no need for 18+, tonight was going to be about size limits. Sir Ian of Kings Lynn and Sir Barry of Sheringham having battled for unicorns for many years requested “short walks” to allow the sprightlier knights to claim their pegs along the beach. Pegs drawn from the “pipe” towards the shores of Kelling via the cliffs of Weybourne.
Fishing the tide up, high tide 22:42, all indicators were good, with early whiting showing, but few being of cardable size. Then the call went up from young Sir Nathan of a mystical unicorn being caught and it was well and truly cardable, then another, and another. Was this a form of fishing madness that only fishing at Weybourne can create or was there a curse at work. In a moment three unicorns caught, judging by the WhatsApp posts (a new-fangled invention – a bit like witchcraft) spreading the news to all corners of the kingdom. But sadly, it was all a dream !
Waking up the merry knights of NAC found it was just a dream, no unicorns other than the stories from the days of yore, only the usual under sized whiting (18), dabs (13), and rockling (4). All struggled to achieve cardable fish, with the biggest round being a 35cm whiting caught by Sir Jamie of Medlar and a 26cm dab caught by Sir Barry off his short walk, he knew what he was doing. No dragons slain; no unicorns caught however Sir Ian of the House of Childerhouse, another short walker, took the honours of the night managing to pick up seven fish. Three cheers for all.
Inspiration for this piece provided by Sir Nathan with his many unicorn photos shared across the kingdom. Normal reporting next week.
Match Result
Sir Ian Childerhouse peg 14 7 fish 104 weight points (2lbs 3oz)
Sir John Catchpole peg 3 5 fish 64 weight points (1lbs 5oz)
Sir Jamie Medlar peg 4 4 fish 62 weight points (1lbs 5oz)
Biggest flat 26cm dab – Sir Barry (peg 13)
Biggest round 34cm whiting – Sir Jamie
Lucky peg draw went to Russell Taylor (Peg5)
Next match 14 February – Gorleston, keep an eye on Facebook/WhatsApp for details.