LRF Around Caithness Harbours

by David Proudfoot

I decided to head out round some of the Caithness harbours for a day with the LRf tackle. First stop was the picturesque haven at Lybster. I had hoped to pick up some flounders here but the combination of a low tide and a fair amount of fresh water knocked that on the head. Plenty of small, coloured coalfish about to keep the tip rattling and my first Isome octopus bent the rod.

lrf octopus

A shift 14 miles north saw me having a dabble at the main east coast port of Wick. Fishing from the lighthouse pier with Isomes produced slightly bigger coalies, dabs and a lovely marked pollack.

lrf coalfish lrf dab wick

From Wick I headed north for a look at Freswick beach but the recent winds had stirred up the kelp and made it unfishable with any method.

lrf pollack wick

Back towards home and a stop at Scrabster saw the expected dabs on the LRF gear together with micro whiting.

mini whiting mackerel head

I chucked out the heavier rod with lug and mackerel and this set up produced more dabs, a dab / octopus double shot and a lone mackerel which fancied a lumi-bead on the retrieve.

dab and octopus

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