SSACN Sharkatag 2010

by David Proudfoot

Ten days to go until Sharkatag 2010 when anglers will be fishing marks around the Solway looking to catch, tag and/or record data regarding a variety of shark species including tope, smoothound and spurdog.

As you know, Sharkatag is part of SSACN’s campaign to highlight the urgent need for shark, ray and skate conservation in Scottish waters, as well as aimed at raising the public awareness of sea angling and its contribution to the economies of many coastal communities.

We are hoping to build on last years successful event when Sharkatag attracted over 200 volunteer sea anglers fishing from the shore, kayaks and boats.

The response so far has been terrific as lots of last years participants and many new ones, are expected to come from all over the UK. This represents a tremendous commitment to sea angling and to conservation, especially so given the current economic situation.

If you haven’t already signed up You can still take part – just register at

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