Lancashire Sea Fishing Picks Up Again

by Jordan Russell

lancashire-news-logoBeen a brilliant week for Lancashire sea fishing so far, there are a lot of small fish but it’s kept plenty of action coming and produced great matches.

David G Hutchinson’s first sea league match was on the Gynn Wall with fishing from 9am till 1pm. 30 fished the match which was a busy day for most with 446 dabs, 86 whiting, eight flounders and three rockling landed.

  1. Peter Wilkinson 31 fish 685cm
  2. Tony Baxter 25 fish 556cm
  3. Jay Cityzen 24 fish 540cm
  • Zone 1 Gav Owen 25 fish 520cm
  • Zone 2 Steve Potts 24 fish 526cm
  • Biggest round fish – 36cm whiting Dave Hutchy Bpool
  • Biggest flatfish – 38cm flounder Peter Wilkinson
  • Golden peg Dave Hutchy

Leyland and District Sea Angling Club fished their latest match at Sea Cadets Fleetwood.

  1. Mick Darlington with 5 whiting, 2 dabs & a rockling scoring 53 match points.
  2. Norman Pilkington with 4 whiting, 28 points.
  3. Peter Pilkington with 2 whiting & 2 dabs, 26 points.
  4. Stuart Pilkington with a dab & 2 whiting, joint biggest fish at 32cm.
  5. Andrew Dewhurst, our newest junior member also with the biggest whiting at 32cm, well done!
Andrew with the biggest fish

Andrew with the biggest fish

Thanks again to the 14 members supporting the match and to Jordan Russell of Bispham Sea Angling for the excellent bait.

David Brown fished two hours up and one down and had three nice codling and a couple of whiting on the flood, just whiting on the ebb, some good sized ones too. Fortunately all were hooked in the mouth all returned safely to live a little longer and grow bigger, lovely night too, light wind and just a little drizzle.

Dave with a cod

Dave with a cod

Fleetwood and District Angling Club members were out at Five Bar Gate where the fishing was passable rather than good.

Conditions were fair, but more swell than expected for a south-east wind. Not much weed and a cloudy sky. The anglers would of expected more whiting, but there was a good showing of dabs and an odd flounder, no cod unfortunately.

Twenty anglers fished and almost all caught fish. Black Worm was the most successful bait. The ebb seemed to fish slightly better than the flood.

Well done to Trevor Barnett who was top rod today.

Top ten results

1st Trevor Barnett 6 dabs 2 whiting for 41 points

2nd Kevin Blundell 4 whiting 3 dabs for 37 points

3rd John Hughes 3 whiting 3 dabs for 34 points

4th Mathew Simpson 3 whiting 1 flounder for 32 points

5th Andy Denton 5 whiting 1 dab for 30 points

6th =Phil Lamb 4 dabs 2 whiting Nick Parkin 2 flounder 1 dab 1 whiting for 27 points

7th Dave Norton 3 dabs 1 whiting for 26 points

8th Dave Hoyle 3 whiting 2 dabs for 23 points

9th James Hudson 2 dabs 1 flounder for 21 points

10th Andy Whiteside 3 dabs 2 whiting for 20 points

Mick Parkin had the fish worth the most points a 34 cm flounder for 15 points.

Next Sundays match is at Beach Road fishing from 3.30 to 6.30 pm and it is for the fish worth the most points.

Ian Bass enjoyed a super little session on the Wall 100 yards north of the slipway with Colin Lowe. First fish was a flounder exactly 1lb and then whiting and dabs. Plenty of knocks to keep them busy. Many thanks to Jordan and Liam at Bispham Angling for top class bait as usual.

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