English IFCA Creates Commercially Restricted Sea Angling Zones

by David Proudfoot

Devon & Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority have set up three areas within their boundaries of authority where commercial fishing is restricted. The areas are covered by a voluntary code of conduct which will be monitored for compliance to assess compliance and benefits to the RSA sector.  Anglers are encouraged to engage with local IFCA officers and spread awareness of the Angling Zones. In addition any suspicious activity within the Authority’s boundaries should be reported to the Duty Officer on 07740 175 479.

mv emsstrom

The first of these zones is the wreck of the MV Emsstrom off Torquay. In this zone the following activities are prohibited –

  • Netting of any kind,
  • Setting of Longlines, and
  • Potting.

burnham berrow and brean

The second angling zone is on the Severn side and covers an inshore area at Burnham, Berrow & Brean. In this zone the following activities are prohibited –

  • Netting of any kind, and
  • Setting of Longlines.


The final zone covers the famous Skerries Bank off Start Bay. In this zone the following activities are prohibited or restricted –

  • No commercial targeting of plaice,
  • No commercial or recreational netting or longlining activity by vessels over 10m in length,
  • All nets used within the pilot Angling Zone should be clearly marked using buoys with flags to aid efficient differentiation between pots and nets, and
  • There is a bag limit for recreational sea anglers fishing within the Angling Zone of 10 plaice and 3 rays per angler per day.

A copy of the full Code of Conduct for all three areas showing the official boundaries and detailing the restrictions for commercial and recreational fishing are available for download.

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