The sudden cold snap sent the whiting shoals out into deeper water and it was resident flatfish that saved the day in the latest Skegness Pier Angling Club (SPAC) match held at Jacksons Corner. In a match of two halves, Wrangle’s Alan Steadman had a disastrous start, with missed bites and dropped fish. He then scaled his hook and bait size down for the last two hours, to run out easy winner with 12 flatties weighing 5lb 8½oz. He also took the heaviest flatfish prize with a specimen 1lb 4oz flounder and to make a good day complete, won the heaviest round fish prize by default with a 14oz dab. Kettering’s Dave Shorthouse had been in the lead for most of the match, but eventually had to settle for second place with 10 dabs for 3lb 3¼oz. Skegness local Dave Bradley framed again in third place, with 4 flatties weighing in at 1lb 15½oz.
The SPAC AGM will be held on Saturday 18th February commencing at 7:30pm in the New Park Club, Scarborough Avenue, Skegness. All current and prospective members are invited to attend. The annual Trophy Presentation and social event will take place immediately after the AGM, including a grand raffle and buffet.
The next SPAC match will be held the day after the AGM on Sunday 19th February from 2 till 6pm at North Shore Road, with Club members fishing for the Gordon Long Cup. There is also an open section that non-members are welcome to participate in. For further information please contact SPAC Secretary Chas Tibble on 07984 967988 or