As well as the sharks landed by Dave Brown, reported here, this is the time of year to target tope from the boat particularly off the DZ buoys.
Next Wednesday the HCA boat angling section hold their presentation night in the social club on the docks during the regular monthly meeting. There are loads of prizes on offer and if you have come in the top twenty you should pick up a decent tackle prize. Go along and have a fishy and world cup chat a few drinks and most of all have a good night.
Moving onto the shore side of things Humber SAC wisely moved their proposed match to Woods on the Humber Bank Wall, top man was the legendary Jack Barlow who is making good use of his retirement; spending more time going fishing and it is starting to pay off. He was top on the night with three fish for 1lb 10oz just ahead of second placed Steve Robinson who weighed in four fish for 1lb 8oz. The club’s next match is on Sunday at the woods fishing 5.30 to 9.30pm. Hopefully the smoothhounds will out in force.