Humberside/Lincolnshire/Yorkshire report

by David Proudfoot

Litter still a serious problem…

Comments made last week regarding litter problems along the Humber Wall appear to be being heeded in the main. Some anglers have been seen collecting strewn rubbish and removing bin bags full of the stuff. The message is not getting through to everyone however, and fresh litter is still appearing. EA and they are looking into things, and the last thing we want is to loose the right to fish on the Wall.

Warrior match: Mike Brockman’s superb cod of 5.56kg earned the £600 first prize. G. Freeman second with a 2.96 thornback ray, with R. Hoe third on a 2.45kg cod. M. Dunn topped the Junior section with a codling of .64 kg.

Skegness Pier Angling Club match: Northampton’s Dave Shorthouse came back to form with a win in the latest Skegness Pier Angling Club match held from Chapel Six Marsh. Dave caught fish nearly all the way through the four-hour event, ending with 19 whiting for 11lb 3oz. In second place with 10lb was Croxton’s Dave Burr, whose 14 whiting and 2 dab catch included the heaviest roundfish – a 41cm whiting of 1lb 3oz. Wrangle’s Paul Cridland framed for the second match on the trot, catching 10 whiting and a dab for 8lb 2oz. Paul’s 14oz dab also took the heaviest flatfish prize.

Coming up: Next S.P.A.C. match is the popular Beachcomber Open, which will be held on Sunday 30th November from 4:30 to 8:30 pm at Jackson’s Corner. Booking in at the Beachcomber Pub from 2:30pm. Contact Club Secretary Chas Tibble on 07984 967988 for further details.

Preceding this event on Saturday 29th November is Dean Sumner’s RNLI Open, which will also be held at Jackson’s from 4 to 8pm. This will be a 2-hook only event, with booking in at the Lookout Pub from 1pm. Contact Dean on 07708 375671 for details.

Boats: The HCA boat match was off again last weekend due to the bad weather. It has been rescheduled for Sunday coming. Fishing times are 09.30 to 16.30. Some anglers have been fishing in the shipping channel and fishing. You are not allowed to fish in the channel and you are putting your self in danger. VTS can pick your boat up and you will be fined for the offence. Also anglers are going out at night without lights on their boats please make sure that you have the right equipment when you go out. I do not want to go down to the RNLI station and hear that a small fishing boat has been in a collision or worse.

New tackle shop: Bob Tarvert has opened a new tackle shop, Clee Angling in St. Peters Avenue, Cleethorpes.

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