Dogfish Let Out At Kelling

by Dene Conway

Bonus fish ruled tonight’s match with dogfish being taken all along the match stretch, along with some cracking pouting, good dabs, and some plump healthy whiting, back tonight fishing to size limits and a general catch and release length to weight conversion.

21 were booked in but with various car problems and family matters and the odd bit of sickness, we were reduced to 17, still an excellent turnout, and another new member tonight fishing his first ever sea match, and only the 2nd or 3rd time sea fishing, big welcome to Richard Miles or as he is our 3rd Richard in the club, Richard III, anyway on with the match report.

Weybourne beach

Pegging was to the right of carpark stretching up to the wreck area, and of late this end hasn’t been as productive, but from the off for most sizeable whiting were on the cards, along with some excellent pouting including a 34cm and a 33cm both falling to the charms of Luke Childerhouse, adding to his tally he threw in a dogfish at 61cm giving him 9 fish for 5lb 6oz and taking top spot honours this week. Second podium spot went to the NAC’s youngest England International Adam Molloy finding 6 fish including two dogfish a 64cm and 60cm, for a total weight of 5lb 2 2/3oz, final podium spot went to Ian Childerhouse also with 6 fish for including a dogfish for 4lb 10 1/3oz.

All in all, 12 dogfish were caught, with the biggest being 64cm and taking heaviest round for the evening to Adam Molloy, Heaviest flat was shared between Simon Bone and Charlie Needham both with a 26cm dab, 86 fish were carded for a total weight of 45lb 6oz.

As you can see from the results most fish caught were between 6 and 9 fish but if you didn’t find the dogs and bigger pout you were not in with a shout at the top 3.

NAC dogfish match

Well done to all a great match and as usual great banter from the off.

Luke Lukeyboy Childerhouse 9 fish 256-wpts 30pts

Adam Molloy 6 fish 248-wpts 29pts

Ian Childerhouse 6 fish 196-wpts 28pts

Adrian Bordianu 5 fish 191-wpts 27pts

Leon Smith 9 fish 190-wpts 26pts

Barry Iseton 8 fish 177-wpts 25pts

Richard Hipperson 5 fish 153-wpts 24pts

Dene Conway 9 fish 148-wpts 23pts

Richard Chapman 4 fish 128-wpts 22pts

Adrian Charlie Needham 4 fish 115-wpts 21pts

Will Sprules 2 fish 101-wpts 20pts

Dean James Gibson 7 fish 93-wpts 19pts

Simon Bone 6 fish 88w-pts 18pts

Iain Molloy 2 fish 38-wpts 17pts

Richard Miles 2 fish 30-wpts 16pts

David Hall 1 fish 14-wpts 15pts

Dave Mathers 1 fish 12-wpts 14pts

Next week’s match is at Bacton meet at Redhouse Caravan park as normal, please book in early especially with bait, we always try to make sure we have enough in but early bookings gives us a heads up, feel free to book in today on here or pm me or Kim.

Also please note Saturday 8th and 9th the NAC sea Angling Festival , this is a club event and we would very much appreciate everyone supporting the event , please share the event itself to as many groups as you can and book in early especially with bait orders we will be trying to get crab in for this event.

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