Lancashire shore fishing has been a bit up and down this week. The constant easterly winds and warm weather coupled with clear seas combined with small tides have made fishing off the beach and Gynn Wall hard work.
The tides start to lift this week so I’m hoping things pick up on the fishing front. There are still fish coming out just not in huge numbers, gurnard, dab, dogfish, hounds, rays, bass and small tope pups.
The boats on the other hand are really getting among the fish. As usual this time of year the low water has been much more productive with plenty of everything and some nice plaice.

10 year old Mathew Cordwell with a cracking bull huss
Dave Brown fished low water and the north east wind soon dropped off and apart from some light drizzle it was a pleasant night. Dave ended up with whiting, dabs, dogfish, weevers, a tope pup, smoothhounds and an eel which together with four thornbacks made for a great night on light tackle.

Keith Oldcorn with a cracking bass he caught at low water
Another Dave Brown was also out fishing over low water. He enjoyed a lovely night, with lightning all around later on but fortunately no rain. He had a busy night with whiting, tope pups, doggies, couple of small hounds and a ray. Nothing big but with very small tides a few old worms, squid and sandeel it was a good session.