Humberside/Lincolnshire/Yorkshire report 20/07

by David Proudfoot

Local anglers have been keeping a careful watch on the weather reports for this Saturday as the AnyFish Anywhere Smoothhound Open takes place on the Lincolnshire coast. There have been a lot of hounds caught in the week and Karl Nangle had a good number of hounds on Thursday in fact he caught six on the same piece of bait. The match has attracted a lot of anglers from around the country and it will be certainly a high calibre match. The club has decided to pay down to tenth place to ensure that the prize fund is spread around.

Humber SAC were in action last weekend at Barton.  Cleethorpe’s top angler Garry Hutson, taking a break from open matches, attended the club match and managed to get fourteen fish for 3lb 5oz. Next was Adie Cooper with eight fish for 2lb 3½oz this included the biggest fish of the day a 30cm flounder. The big guns were certainly out for this match with Simon Drayton coming in third with 1lb 12oz.

This Sunday it is match two of Neville Charlesworth summer league at Spurn Road.

Out on the boats in the this week it was a little bit quieter, probably due to big swell and also lower tides. I would expect things to improve this weekend due to the change in tides and improvement in the weather. Tope will be the target species from the boat but catching live mackerel for bait may be a problem.

On the subject of young anglers Hooked on Fishing have been doing some coaching sessions behind the Leisure Centre on a Friday and Saturday night. The sessions last week went very well, with Tony Ellis doing the Saturday and myself on the Friday. The next fishing sessions are on the 24th and 25th from 18.30hrs. Coaches are on hand to help out especially with the casting.

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