North Shore Road Fishing Provides A Tight Finish

by Chas Tibble

skagness pier angling club logoThe latest Skegness Pier Angling Club (SPAC) match was held on Sunday 24th June from 12:30 till 4:30pm at North Shore Road, with another excellent turnout of 15 anglers. Expectations were high for good catches, but unfortunately the venue was out of sorts, with most struggling to catch anything and at the end of the match there were eight blanks.

Although the much anticipated hounds have been conspicuous by their absence so far this year, fortunately there has been an explosion of schoolie bass of late and it was schoolies that dominated catches on this occasion, with eight out of the fourteen fish caught being the spiky little silver bars.

Grimsby ace Adie Cooper was the man to beat again, alternating clipped down rigs at distance, with worm baits at close range, to end up with three schoolies measuring 104cm in total. But he didn’t have it all his own way this time, with “Eelman” Gary Collins also ending up on 104cm, with two schoolies and a silver eel taken at close range on lug baited two hook flappers.

Gary Collins with his eel

Gary Collins with his eel

So the prize money for 1st and 2nd places was shared between the pair of them, but it was Gary who ended up with the bragging rights, by taking the longest round fish prize with his 43cm silver eel. Third place went to “Angler not a Dangler” Bob Foster, with a schoolie and a flounder for 57cm. Gordon Hewitt made up for his blank in the last SPAC match, by winning the longest flatfish prize with an early doors 30cm flounder. Full result as follows:

  1. = Gary Collins – 104cm – 2 bass, 1 silver eel
  1. = Adie Cooper – 104cm – 3 bass
  1. Bob Foster – 57cm – 1 bass, 1 flounder
  2. Matt Brewer – 52cm – 1 bass, 1 flounder
  3. Gordon Hewitt – 51cm – 1 flounder, 1 dab
  4. Alan Steadman – 39cm – 1 silver eel
  5. Mike Nicholson – 29cm – 1 bass


Not telling!!

Longest Round: Gary Collins – 43cm silver eel

Longest Flat: Gordon Hewitt – 30cm flounder

A big “thank you” to everyone that took part, your ongoing support is very much appreciated! Next SPAC match will be held on Sunday 8th Jul from 10am till 2pm at Chapel Point. The match is open to all, but Club members will be fishing for the Roy Parker Cup, in memory of our sadly departed friend and long time SPAC member. Please pass on to those not on Facebook and please contact SPAC Secretary Chas Tibble on 07984 967988 or for further details.

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