Mark Sweeps The Board At North Shore

Skegness Pier Angling Club Match Ten – The Hewison Cup

by Paul Coulthurst

The latest match was fished on Sunday 5th May at North Shore Road, Skegness with fifteen anglers fishing in a light easterly breeze and calm sea. Plenty of fish were caught which were mostly dabs with dogfish, flounders, whiting, an eel and a few small hounds biggest going 71cm. All anglers caught fish and no weed was present.

The match stretch looking South

The match stretch looking South

Mark Holmes returned to fish his first match in a long while with the club today and cleaned up. Fishing in an unhurried and methodical approach Mark caught double and triple shots of dabs and dogfish in a steady stream throughout the match, putting his casting skills to good use presenting three lug and squid baits at long range despite the headwind. This was a big advantage on the ebb as Mark kept catching whilst the tidal deflection, caused by the groins, pushed the fish out beyond the casting range of most.

The match winner Mark Holmes

The match winner Mark Holmes receiving his prize money for first place, the longest flat and the longest round fish from Russ Parsons

His tackle was a classic Zziplex 4500s and Abu 6500, fishing either size one or two hooks on a three hook clipped down rigs. He won the match with 23 fish for a total length of 658cm, and the longest round fish prize with a 71cm smoothhound, plus the longest flatfish prize with a 30cm dab.

Toward the other end of the match stretch Gary Hutson was catching dabs, dogfish, whiting and a hound. Gary’s bait presentation was streamlined and neat to allow distance casting, he used a baiting needle to put together a different cocktail of bait on each hook, every cast to attract all the possible species at the venue. Bait was stored in pristine condition in a large cool box and comprised king rag, lug, yellowtails, mackerel, sandeel and squid. This combination of perfect baits, great casting skills and years of match fishing experience kept fish coming all match to give him second place with 19 fish and 547cm.

Gary Hutson in second place with a nice whiting

Gary Hutson in second place with a nice whiting

Karl Nangle finished in third place with 15 fish for 504cm. Karl used yellows, black lug and squid on a long 6ft three clipped down rigs, fished at long range using his Anyfish Anywhere Match Pro MK 2 and Penn Fathom 12. Karl had double shots of doggies, some nice whiting to 35cm and a small hound he caught steadily throughout the flood and was on level pegging with Mark, but fishing slowed a little for him on the ebb also allowing Gary push ahead into second.

Karl Nangle in third pictured here with a double shot of doggies

Karl Nangle in third pictured here with a double shot of doggies

The rest of the field all caught fish mostly dabs and a few dogfish but after a manic start bites tailed off for almost everyone. Adie Cooper was fish for fish with Gary up to high water but his peg dried up for bites on the ebb and a few fishless casts dropped him into fourth place and 449cm. Tony Burman couldn’t quite get into the money today and was in fifth with 404cm. Paul Dixon managed some good dabs, dogfish and whiting on rag and squid to come in 6th with 380cm fishing with a fixed spool on his M4GT to find extra range.

Adie and Daz recording dabs

Adie and Daz recording dabs. All fish are kept in buckets of fresh sea water before release apart from hounds which must be returned before the next cast

Many thanks to Adie for pegging out the match stretch, to Russell Parsons for running the match and to Chas and Tina Moffat for the great photos. Also many thanks to all those travelling down from Grimsby and further to fish with the club today. We look forward to seeing you all at the next match which is on Sunday 19th May at Chapel Six Marshes.

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