The start of November means it’s that time again, time to head back out on the beach in pursuit of codling and what better place to start than where the …
From the Water’s Edge
Chris and the From the Waters Edge crew head out for a day’s smoothhound fishing aboard Chinook II with skipper Phil White, they enjoy a productive Thames estuary day.
For this latest latest episode we carried on in pursuit of a shore caught Cod, however we swapped the steep shingle beaches of suffolk and headed to north Norfolk and …
For this latest episode we took the camera back to the sands of North Norfolk with the hope of catching a few spring species on fresh Peeler Crab.
Chris Collins of From the Waters Edge TV re-visits Aldeburgh Town Beach in Suffolk with the hope of catching a codling from the shore. An excellent half hour long, well …
Chris Collins of From the Waters Edge TV visits Aldeburgh Town Beach in Suffolk with the hope of catching a few cod or codling from the shore. With good conditions, …