Dogfish Score At Weybourne For Norfolk AC

by Dene Conway

Norfolk Angling Club Logo15 anglers arrived at Weybourne ready to do battle, pegging was left of the pipe towards the wreck. With a bit of a swell running and wind more or less in the angler’s faces it looked like a good night. The sun was still shining and the entrants were all treated to an awesome sunset.

As always with the shingle bank you are either on the fish or you’re not. Back for a match was Paul Thorburn finding some time in between a heavy workload to get out and fish for a change. He was glad he did as he managed to card four fish, including a dogfish, making him top rod for the evening with 2lb 111/3oz. Paul also dropped a dustbin lid of a flounder in the surf.

Second podium spot went to Barry Iseton also with four fish which weighed 2lb 91/3oz. Third place went to Keith Shaul again with four fish which this time went for 2lb 8oz.

Other fish of note were a nice codling of 2lb 42/3oz for John Catchpole. Biggest round of the night went to Paul Grothier with a cracking dogfish of 66cm at 2lb 72/3oz. The biggest flatfish was a flounder at 34cm landed by Ian Childerhouse. New member Blake Collings also managed to card some fish on his first outing with the club, so welcome to the club.

weybourne beach

Next weeks match is at Cart Gap, a beach famed for bass fishing but it can also produce a very good variety of other fish, please book in asap when Dene puts the post up on Friday.

Directions are as follows Beach Rd, Happisburgh NR12 0PP, see you in the car park for 6pm.

Full results

  1. Paul Thorburn 30pts
  2. Barry Iseton 29pts
  3. Keith Shaul 28pts
  4. Paul Grothier 27pts
  5. Luke Lukeyboy Childerhouse 26pts
  6. John Catchpole 25pts
  7. Blake Collings 24pts
  8. Ian Childerhouse 23pts
  9. Leon Smith 22pts
  10. Neil Haynes 21pts
  11. Roger Cunnington 20pts
  12. Dene Conway 19pts
  • Russell Taylor 5pts
  • Jimmy Shaul Shaul 5pts
  • Darren Betts 5pts
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