The weather has continued to affect sea angling along the Lancashire coast. However, there are still plenty of fish about when anglers get out in the gaps in the weather.
Whiting and dogfish along with rays are the predominant species at moment and high water after dark is definitely producing more fish.

Mick Parkin with a nice thornback ray
Fleetwood and District Angling Club fished Beach Road last Sunday and fishing was a little disappointing given the good conditions. 18 anglers fished the event and almost all caught. The fishing was mainly whiting with odd dogfish and single hound.
As is normal with whiting some of the bays held fish, while others were devoid of any numbers. Congratulations to winner Andy Denton who had the smoothhound in his winning bag. Andy fished at the end of the car park on Beach Road, while second place David Bayliss fished at the opposite end of the venue up towards Dronsfield Road.
Fish baits, or fish tipped worm worked the best.
Top Ten
1st – Andy Denton 3 dogs 1 whiting 1 smoothhound for 98.5 points wins £43
2nd – David Bayliss 3 dogs 6 whiting for 85 points wins £29
3rd – Kevin Blundell 2 dogs 3 whiting for 62 points
4th – Lee Thornton 2 dogs 5 whiting for 59 points
5th – John Hughes 2 dogs for 44 points
6th – Bob Egan 8 whiting for 40 points
7th equal – Kevin Osbourn 1 dog 3 whiting, Mike Owen 1 dog 2 whiting for 38 points
8th – Alex Garden 1 dog 2 whiting for 31points
9th equal – Craig Thompson 5 whiting, Hughie Porter 7 whiting for 25 points
10th – Ken 3 whiting for 12 points
The next Club match is on Sunday October 24th at the Miner’s Home with fishing from 12.00 to 3.30pm.
Leyland and District Sea Angling Club were out last Sunday fishing at Otterspool.
- Peter Pilkington with a Whiting a Dogfish a Ray and the biggest fish a 69cm Conger eel.
- Norman Pilkington with a Whiting and 2 Rays at 52cm & 57cm.
- Stuart Pilkington also with a Ray.
- Nigel Thompson with 3 Whiting and a Dogfish.
Thanks again to all who supported the match on what was a damp, early start.